GenericQuestionnaireResponse |
QuestionnaireResponse | Entity. Role, or Act, Observation[moodCode=EVN] |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | .id |
basedOn | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=FLFS].target |
partOf | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[moodCode=EVN] |
questionnaire | ./outboundRelationship[typeCode=INST]/target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=DEFN] |
status | .statusCode (also whether there's a revisionControlAct - and possibly mood to distinguish "in-progress" from "published) |
subject | .participation[typeCode=SBJ].role |
encounter | .inboundRelationship(typeCode=COMP].source[classCode<=PCPR, moodCode=EVN] |
authored | .participation[typeCode=AUT].time |
author | .participation[typeCode=AUT].role |
source | .participation[typeCode=INF].role |
item | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
linkId | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=DEFN].id |
definition | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=DEFN].code |
text | .text |
answer | .value[type=LIST_ANY] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
value[x] | .item |
item | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN] |
item | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN] |